Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Man starts nonemergency medical transport service

Bradenton's Leonard Cenac saw a need for a specific service in Bradenton and Sarasota.

As an employee at a local hospital, Cenac recognized that citizens without efficient modes of transportation required assistance traveling to and from medical appointments.

The idea inspired Cenac to start HealthStream Transport, a non-emergency transportation service.

"I love people," Cenac said. "I love to help."

Bradenton City Council members recently approved an operating permit for Cenac's business, which will transport people to and from medical appointments and in and out of hospital or medical facilities. He will also transport people up from their homes.

Rates for the service are $ 35 for one-way trips and $55 for round trips.

For more information, contact 941-730-3038 or email Healthstreamtransport@aol.com

Cenac's slogan read "Any day, any place, we have space for you!"

1 comment:

  1. Medical device registration in hospital equipment Russia still remains a complex endeavor.
